Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Night

I was hoping for no trick-or-treaters at our house this year. 
Because I refused to buy candy.
Because I know how I act around candy. 

But... I bought candy.
Because my hubby was convinced we would have Trick-or-Treaters. And he was right. 
Because he's always right.

Then we ran out of candy after an hour.
Defer to the answer above.
I admitted I was wrong. We're moving forward. 

But the little clown, dinosaur, and princess who arrived first at my door were so absolutely adorable... They immediately put us in the Halloween, candy-giving spirit. (Followed by a BUNCH of super heroes.)

 But NONE cuter than our nieces and nephew in Louisiana...

And our niece in Washington!

And despite the crazy candy temptation, I was committed to still having a healthy night. So Billie and I each did a cross fit workout in the garage (to Halloween music, thank you Pandora.) 

Then we split a gluten-free carrot cupcake that I splurged on at the Farmer's Market today. 

This is my "that was scary-good" face. 

Scary right?? :) 

Hope you had a fun Halloween!!!

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