Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fishin' and Eatin'

Last Saturday, Billie, our friend Ben, and another guy they work with went to Land Between the Lakes to go fishing. They caught a bass, several catfish, and a bluegill. Self taught fishermen, these guys. And YouTube- taught filleting going on here. :)

Ben and Louise came over to fry the fish with us. 
Ben is a pretty creative cook. Case in point: He fried the fish... in a cast iron pot... on our grill. To spare my house the stench and mess. 

Much appreciated, Ben.

Louise and I dipped the fillets in egg and battered them with a mixture of almond four and the spice mixture from East Nasville Spice Company. 

That was it!
Baked beans, cole slaw, corn casserole, and fried fish. 

Plus Louise's paleo chocolate pie with a coconut crust for dessert. 


Just doesn't get much better than fried fish on a back porch with good friends. On a Saturday night. With almond tea. Did I mention the almond tea?

1 comment:

  1. I just love this post.
    You know how I love having friends over and cooking out. So thankful you and Billie have good friends like Ben and Louise!
