Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Days in Clarksville

We got some serious snow in Tennessee on Sunday night/Monday morning! Post was closed, so Billie drove me to work at 6am and picked me up when I got off work. Half of our therapy department called in, and I definitely wouldn't have made it without Billie driving! Ditto for Tuesday.

We were like little kids playing in the snow Monday afternoon. Billie did flips down the hill. I'm sad for you guys that I can't upload the videos onto the blog! 

I could totally live in the North for our next duty station! As long as I have a driver, that is. Major McDonald helped Billie and me shovel our entire driveway Tuesday afternoon. (He was stationed in Alaska, which makes him a bit of an expert in snow shoveling.) Then Wednesday morning, we woke up to a fresh new layer. (Heart sinks.) What's the need for gym memberships up north, eh? Snow shoveling... doesn't get much more functional fitness than that.

We have so enjoyed it though. This is the biggest snow Clarksville has gotten since 2003!

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