Sunday, January 11, 2015

Stuffed Butternut Squash

The pretty way-- twice baked inside the shell.

Or the not so pretty way... Scooped out and eaten like a skillet scramble. Both delicious! 

To feed 4-- 
2 butternut squash 
2 lbs sage pork sausage 
1-2 apples, chopped 
Fresh spinach (optional) 

1. Cut off the ends of the butternut squash and cut in half lengthwise. Brush with olive oil and bake on 400 for 45-60 mins, until they pierce easily with a fork. 
2. Remove from oven and carefully scoop out as much of the flesh as you can without puncturing the peel. Don't worry about getting every little bit... it's impossible.
3. Meanwhile, cook pork sausage in a skillet until almost fully cooked. Add chopped apples and continue cooking until pork is fully cooked. 
4. Combine meat mixture with butternut squash and scoop back into the peel. Bake for 10-15 mins longer. Serve with a side of veggies! 

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